
Two honorable mentions at the FEP Awards

I am so excited that two of my four entries have been rewarded with an honorable mention! 'The Biggest Bird' and 'Ricky and the Clutterfish' have both been awarded at the FEP awards. FEP stands for Federation of European Professional Photographers. It is the European umbrella organization of photography trade associations. In the Netherlands,

2024-04-19T14:52:49+02:00April 19th, 2024|Awards|0 Comments

I’m in the National Team!

WOW! My work Circus Poggibonsi is selected for the Dutch team of the World Photographic Cup 2022. The Dutch organization for professional photographers (DuPho) made this selection. There is one team per participating country. There are different disciplines. -Commercial -Illustration/Digital Art -Nature (landscape/wildlife) -Portrait -Reportage/Photojournalism -Wedding Three Dutch participants are selected per discipline. Circus

2021-12-24T09:30:55+01:00September 14th, 2021|Exhibition|0 Comments
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