It all started with Aggy. The goose that will one day dare to fly.
A few years prior to making an illustration about ‘Aggy the goose that will one day dare to fly’, I had done a photo series at the local bird shelter. With one of these photos, I created Aggy*. She became a very vivid character for me, so I decided to make a complete story about her, just for fun.
A few months later, I got an invitation to join a competition for illustrators. I decided to submit Aggy.
The story of this rattled goose won me the ‘Picture This!’ illustration competition in 2018!!! This annual competition is organized by Lemniscaat Publishers (NL), Burg Wissem BilderbuchmuseumTroisdorf (DE), International Centre for the Picture Book in Society (UK), Protea Boekhuis (SA), and Walker books (UK).Winning the competition resulted in my illustrations of Aggy, to be exhibited in the Netherlands, Germany, South Africa, and in Italy at the Bologna Children’s Book Fair.
And, most important, winning this gave me the confidence to go on, creating these surreal collages. That’s what I do these days.
Aggy the goose, with her big dreams and her timid heart is now one of the many characters featured in my collages. Each of my works work tells a story. Although I always have a story to tell with any collage, everyone is invited to use their own imagination and come up with a story of their own. I’m curious to hear yours!
You can buy my images. Each Wondrous Goose print is professionally printed by a carefully selected print company. The cutting of passe-partouts and the framing of the prints are done by a skillful framer. All prints are hand-numbered and signed. The works are shipped worldwide in a specially-crafted shipping box.